Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Pharmaceutical project 3

Yes, of course I have assumed that the corona virus will not attack Indonesia, with many considerations that I think about, first since God has experienced a corona virus pandemic, Indonesia has taken immediate action, even though small actions such as airports have installed body temperature detectors, then the communication media also always provide information so that people can be vigilant, then Indonesia is a tropical country, and has hot temperatures, and viruses cannot breed, then Indonesian people who are predominantly Muslim, of course always keep clean, because cleanliness is part of faith. But humans can only plan God who decides, since the President and the Ministry of Health announced that there are positive people affected by the corona virus, that's where I think that the virus is indiscriminate, yes the virus can still enter our country, so we as humans only can try and pray, let Allah determine.
Stay healthy, and don't panic

Juniar Sukmawanti #project3_pharmacy_B

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